Archive for November, 2023
An interactive media installation in public space. Premiere was at the Klanglichtfestival in Graz October 25 – 27, 2023 in collaboration with Michael Strohmann, who designed the sounds and interactive technology. 18 LED RGB spots, 3 LED scanners, 8 loudspeakers, a computer, two video cameras and a lot of cables. The realization was made possible with the help of Holger Lang, who made his Sternstudio gallery available to me for the weeks-long preparation phase.
The space: a 13 meter long passageway at the Karmeliterplatz in Graz at the foot of the Schloßberg. Lightinstallation: 13 different impressionistic color presets slowly alternate with each other. The low-angle position of the LED spots create big shadows of the passers-by on the opposite wall. Additional spots in different colors create more colored shadows.Three scanner project moving spots on the ceiling in corresponding colors, now and then they meet in the middle of the opposite wall waiting to be „touched“. This „touch“ then triggers their upward movement. At the same moment, the flapping of birds‘ wings can be heard. The soundscape consists of frog, insect and owl voices that react to the presence of people.
Dynamic light-and space-installation by mutual loop (Holger Lang & Martina Tritthart) for the center of Ljubljana (public space)at the International Lighting Guerrilla festival -Svetlobna Guerila from May 22 – June 17 2023, organized by Strip Core, curated by Katerina Mirović