
das raum- licht- u. medienlabor von martina tritthart
Posts Tagged ‘animation’


A participatory light- and video intervention : Drawing an outline, a figure, a shape, a contour with light, describing a relationship between architecture, the surroundings and people in the context of this event with the possibility to interact. A performance during „Der blöde dritte Mittwoch“ curated by Anat Stainberg in the Halle of Steinergasse 8, June 16th 2021. Duration 30 min

From line to surface to space, here and now and in process and in three chapters:

1. Sitespecific film inscribed in space

2. Audioreactive interactive animation in space

3. waving good-bye with translucent foil, wind and pulsating lights


CORONA-TIME: Due to the restrictions to prevent Covid19 I started working on a new piece, where my shirt was animated to become alive and found its place inside my sitespecific installation TOPOS at ASIFAKEIL, MQ Vienna May 10th – June 16th 2020 (an almost public space inside the Museumsquartier)

Do (not)touch me ©Martina Tritthart 2020